Debugging of cypress psoc6 in Linux terminal.

Debugging of cypress psoc6 in Linux terminal.

I have used OpenOCD in my embedded projects, and here is a simple explanation how to work with OpenOCD with PSOC6 of cypress and here. Cypress has its own porting for OpenOCD for its interfaces: kitprog3 & kitprog4. Usually, I work on a Linux terminal using a command line with cgdb but, OpenOCD is already installed on modus, the default IDE of cypress.
The PSOC6 is dual-core MCU: CM0+ and CM4, and when booting, it first powers on the CM0+, and if the CM4 is also needed, the CM0+ has to power it on. Using OpenOCD, it can debug both processors at the same time. Each processor will have a separate port that will control it.

OpenOCD setup

This is my favorite setup when working with an embedded project on a Linux terminal.

Run the OpenOCD server. The cypress programmer should be connected.

cd  ~/path/to/cypress/openocd/scripts  
sudo ../bin/openocd -f interface/kitprog3.cfg -f target/psoc6.cfg -c "program /home/yair/bis25/Debug/frontend/cm4_src/cm4"

I added the following addition to the original psoc6.cfg so port 60000 contrlos CM4 and port 70000 to controls CM0+ and also added thread awereness when using freeertos on CM4.

psoc6.cpu.cm4 configure -gdb-port 60000
psoc6.cpu.cm0 configure -gdb-port 70000
psoc6.cpu.cm4 configure -rtos auto -rtos-wipe-on-reset-halt 1

In another terminal, I open a telnet session to the OpenOCD server using the default 4444 port

telnet 4444

In the telnet session, I have used this command to program the device (Usually after compilation)

program /path/to/cm4/prog.elf;reset

and this is the output message :

kitprog3: acquiring PSoC device...
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread 
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x00001f34 msp: 0x080477a8
** Device acquired successfully
** psoc6.cpu.cm4: Ran after reset and before halt...
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread 
xPSR: 0x61000000 pc: 0x1600400c msp: 00000000
** Programming Started **
auto erase enabled
Flash write discontinued at 0x10009530, next section at 0x10080000
Padding image section 0 at 0x10009530 with 208 bytes (bank write end alignment)
[100%] [################################] [ Erasing     ]
[100%] [################################] [ Programming ]
Padding image section 2 at 0x10093d5c with 164 bytes (bank write end alignment)
[100%] [################################] [ Erasing     ]
[100%] [################################] [ Programming ]
wrote 119808 bytes from file /path/to/cm4/prog.elf  in 3.906287s (29.952 KiB/s)

gdb setup

It has to place the following content in the file ~/.gdbinit. This creates a custom reset command that restarts the debugging session. You can name it “r” to make consume time during debugging.

define reset
  mon reset    				# reset the whole chip
  mon psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq      # resets and halts only cm4 (or cm0+)
  flushregs 	                        # taken from modus
  mon gdb_sync                          # taken from modus

before any call to restart it has to connect to the OpenOCD server using:

target remote PORT

Where PORT is either 60000 to debug CM4 or nighter 70000 to debug CM0+, needless to say that, the target elf file should be for the correct processor.



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