Simple Tab Widget For Hugo Blog

Simple Tab Widget For Hugo Blog

I have create a simple tab widget to use in my hugo based blog. It is based on JQuery Tab widget and simpple hugo shortcode templae. The code template is in the shotcodes/tab-widget.

{{ $title := "tabe widget" }}
{{ if .IsNamedParams }}
  {{ with .Get "title" }}
    {{ $title = . }}
  {{ end }}
{{ else }}
  {{ with .Get 0 }}
    {{ $title = . }}
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

<link rel = "stylesheet" 
      href = "">

<link rel = "stylesheet" 
      href = "">

<script type = "text/javascript" 
	src = ""></script>

<script type = "text/javascript" 
	src = "">

	$(function() {
		$( "#tabs" ).tabs();

<div id = "tabs">
{{ $ss:=split .Inner "---" }}
	{{ range $idx, $el :=$ss }}
		{{ $content:=split $el "$$$" }}
		<li><a href = "#{{  (printf ("tab-%d") $idx)  }}"> {{index $content 0}}</a></li>
	{{ end }}

	{{ range $idx, $el :=$ss }}	
		{{ $content:=split $el "$$$" }}
		{{ $tab := index $content 1 }}
		<div id ="{{  (printf ("tab-%d") $idx)  }}">
			 {{ $tab | markdownify }}

	{{ end }}

{{ $title}}

Here is exmaple how to use tab-widget in markdown docuement:

{{< tab-widget "DOT Language (GraphViz) Example" >}}
bash code example
while [ 1 ] ; do echo "hello world";done


c code example
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf ("hello world\r\n")


python code example
print ("hello world")

{{< /tab-widget >}}

Here is how it apears on the blog:

while [ 1 ] ; do echo "hello world";done
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf ("hello world\r\n")
print ("hello world")
Example of Tabe-Widget for Hugo


[1] ignore short code call in code block

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